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BenQ Australia Achieves Number 1 Seller of Interactive Flat Panels in Higher Education, Q1 to Q3 2020

Number 1 Seller of Interactive Flat Panels in Higher Education, Futuresource Consulting 2020


SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 10th December, 2020 – BenQ, internationally renowned innovator of professional display technologies, today unveiled the achievement of Number 1 Seller of Interactive Flat Panels into Higher Education in Q3 2020. BenQ Australia exceeded the competition in sell-in volumes between Q1 to Q3 2020. These numbers were bolstered by the release of two new interactive products for the corporate and education market: DuoBoard and RP02 Series Interactive Flat Panels.

 “The Higher Education sector has been a big focus for BenQ this year. We’re traditionally strong in K-12 schools but looking to cement a new standard across the board in education.” said Sanjay Handa, Business Manager for ANZ.

“With the addition of the CP Series, or DuoBoard, and the latest RP02 Series Interactive Panel, we’ve been able to bring something to the teachers and institutions in Higher Education that we haven’t been able to before. Feature like DuoBoards Mode on CP Series allows for a bigger workspace, and with both series’ featuring germ resistant screen and NFC sign on technology, keeping every day curricular activities safe and efficient is very easy.”

See the full report from Futuresource Consulting HERE

More about BenQ Interactive Flat Panel here: