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Register Your Interest! | LIVE Webinar with Image Science

Excited to have one of our specialised partners help us in hosting this upcoming LIVE webinar. Image Science provides expert advice and unmatched after sales support to Photographers and Graphic Artists seeking to achieve colour accuracy in their work.


Join us for a FREE live webinar on Thursday 22nd April 2021 at 6.30pm (AEDT) with Director Jeremy Daalder from Image Science where he will discuss topics like:

  • How to Manage Colour from Screen to Print,  to achieve perfect results like artists such as Mark Inducil and Jeremy Geddes
  • Your files as a complete specification for your prints
  • File types, bit depths, and correct image re-sizing and layouts
  • Colour calibration/accuracy – why you need to see accurate colour so you can specify exactly what you want to get
  • Colour proofing – ICC profiles, and traditional soft proofing vs hardware based soft proofing
    (including use of the new contrast feature in PME)
  • Chance for you to ask any questions at the end!
  • ALSO, BONUS special announcement, stay tuned!

For complete beginners through to Australia's finest artists, Image Science have consistently offered the highest quality and friendliest services available - for 17 years! Image Science are also certified for Fine Art Printing by Hahnemuhle and Ilford. They have hundreds of articles between famous knowledge based and blog contents - plus a complete (free!) eBook on the Fundamentals of Digital.

Learn more about Image Science here

Artists' Credit: Mark Constantine Inducil

Instagram & Twitter: @markinducil


Artists' Credit: Jeremy Geddes

Instagram: @jeremyispainting