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REWATCH! | LIVE Webinar with Ian van der Wolde

Very thankful to have our Accredited Professional Photographer, Life Member, Master of Photography IV, Honorary Fellow and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers (AIPP), PLUS BenQ Ambassador, Ian van der Wolde host this webinar with us!


We hoped everyone who were able to join us on the live webinar on Wednesday 17th March 2021 at 6.30pm (AEDT) with Ian van der Wolde, and found this session informative and a great learning experience on best practices for shooting.

In this webinar, Ian shared his photographic journey, knowledge and experience on best practices for shooting, colour management/colour accuracy, and hardware vs software calibration, there was also a chance for live viewers to ask him any questions at the end.


Read and view more about Ian's work here

REWATCH the session here


Thank you to everyone once again and apologies if we could not answer all your questions, feel free to send us an email to or drop us a comment under the YouTube video, we'll try to get back to everyone as soon as we can!