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Photo Live Expo 2018 and BenQ

A bigger and better Photo Live Expo ever on Saturday 28 July 2018


Thanks to the wonderful team at Camera Electronic, Photo Live Expo returns to The Novotel Langley Perth for its 4th successive year and promises to be the biggest and best to date.


Taking place on Saturday the 28th of July, here are some of the reasons no photographer should miss this event:

·     Meet and learn from some of the best photographers in the country.

·     Speaker Sessions and Workshops from some of the best in the business.

·     The latest photography equipment on display including the first public showing and demonstration of the BenQ SW240 ‘Accurate Colour  on the Go’ prototype.

·     Print critique session courtesy of AIPP.

·     Brand new photo walks for 2018.

·     Prizes, giveaways and great event only promotions including a Camera Electronic and BenQ event only special on the BenQ range of Colour Accurate Photography Monitors.


Come join the team from BenQ Australia along with BenQ Ambassadors and esteemed photographers; Dan Avila and Alex Cearns to help you explore the full potential of your photography.


For more info about the event visit:

For more info about BenQ’s ‘Accurate Colour on the Go’ visit:


About Photo Live Expo

Photo Live Expo has its beginning in 2015, introduced by Camera Electronic directors Howard and Saul who believed there has been nothing like this in Perth before and wanted to change the scene of Photography in Western Australia. With each year the event has grown exponentially, picking up more exhibitors, speakers and workshops with some of Perth’s and Australia’s most known and respected photographers. This year promises to be even bigger and better as we introduce Photowalks to the repertoire, a 45 minute stroll around the city with your favourite brand taking in the sites through your camera’s view finder whilst having the chance to ask questions, experiment with new gear and lenses.