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BenQ's response to the service impact due to global Coronavirus Disease Outbreak (COVID-19)


Dear Customers,

Due to the global Coronavirus disease outbreak (Covid-19), governments of various countries around the world have issued activity restriction (lock-down) orders for individuals, schools and businesses in order to contain the spread of the pandemic. In response to the unprecedented situation, we would like to announce that BenQ Australia office (including customer service, sales and marketing) will follow local government’s announcement and orders to maintain their daily operation and provide repair services as normal.

Having said this, we are putting in place measures to protect and safeguard our staff and customers, whilst maintaining the best possible service levels. The BenQ Australia office will have limited staff manning office phones to mitigate the risk of infection. The best way to contact BenQ office is via these E-mail addresses:


Service & Support:

Sales & Marketing:



BenQ Australia’s customer service and RMA turn-around time may be affected by local activity restriction orders and the global shortage issue of repair parts and materials. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause and we appreciate your understanding during this critical period of time.

If you have any questions, please contact your local customer care team via on-line web form as below or the email addresses above to get more details and assistance