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BenQ ZOWIE Rivalry Series 1 – Sydney vs Melbourne

BenQ ZOWIE has teamed up with local partners FBI Gaming Centers on an exciting new project to bring more local LAN Events to the community. The inaugural “BenQ ZOWIE Rivalry Series” will kick off in November with DOTA2 as the initial title. The inaugural series will see old rivals SYDNEY up against MELBOURNE to finally put to rest which city reigns supreme. The series will take place at FBI Gaming centres across Sydney and Melbourne and culminate in a finals worth $2000AUD.


LAN Event: BenQ ZOWIE Rivalry Series 1 – Sydney vs Melbourne

TOTAL Prize Pool: $2000AUD

Venue: FBI Gaming (Sydney City, Chatswood, Burwood, Hurstville and Eastwood Branch in NSW, Melbourne City Branch in VIC)

Game Title: DOTA2

LAN Event Day 1: 24th Nov 2018

LAN Event Day 2 - Final: 25th Nov 2018


Register Now @ any of the FBI Gaming Branches.

Required info: Representing city, team name and contact phone number.