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Why Do You Need A Lamp for Your Screen?

Screenbar LED lamp attached on a monitor screen for the office man

Based on our previous article 3 Things to Think About When Buying a Desk Lamp, you may have a clearer idea of the importance and key things to look into when choosing a desk lamp. But do you know that you should also get a modern desk lamp that is specifically designed for you when reading on a monitor, tablet, or mobile phone screen? Let us tell you why.

First of all, since the reading direction of traditional hard copies is horizontal, we usually put hard copies on the table to read. Therefore, the design of light sources has generally been to generate illumination in a vertical direction since about 1930. However, screen reading is a different story, as its reading direction is vertical and the direction of the light source required is different from a typical desk lamp.

Moreover, the biggest difference between a monitor screen and traditional hard copy is that a monitor screen generates its own light, but hard copy does not. That meansif we use a general desk lamp to illuminate a monitor, the monitor screen will generate glare, which in turn affects the health of human eyesight.

From this point of view, since screen reading is very popular at present, we really need a desk lamp that is tailor-made for this trend. So, what kind of desk lamp would be a good computer desk lamp?


I. Level of Screen Glare

Generally, when the light source of a desk lamp illuminates a screen, it very often generates a reflection which is known as glare. Therefore, the best light source design for a good screen reading lamp is one that is not directly exposed to the screen, thus reducing the discomfort caused by reflection on the screen.

Since a monitor screen generates its own light, it should illuminate places with relatively low brightness rather than putting the light source directly on the screen. Thus auxiliary light around the screen appears to be very important. On the other hand, lights close to the screen should be eliminated or attenuated. This should be the appropriate design (such as asymmetric light) to avoid eye strain due to excessive contrast between brightness and dimness.

II. Lighting Area

Since people often engage in plane surface reading at the same time they are performing screen reading, such as looking at the keyboard, or reading notes or books, the working area is very large, thus the plane lighting area of the light source must cover a vast area. In general, about 90cm to both left and right is a suitable illumination range, which is 1.5 times (30 to 50cm) the illumination range of a general desk lamp.

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