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Does Low Blue Light Technology make any difference for your eye health?

BenQ Australia

Are you spending most of your time in front of a screen these days? Did you know that despite the comfort and convenience that our digital lifestyle provides, it can also bring some serious health risks, especially to our eyes?

COVID-19 has tremendously increased our reliance on digital devices

As lockdown measures took effect, working from home and online learning became the new normal. Thanks to our digital devices, we managed to continue our study and work routine to a degree. However, as everything comes with a price, this one is at the expense of our ocular health. Research has shown that with the COVID-19 outbreak, there has been a drastic increase in our digital device usage and slow deterioration of ocular health across all age groups. If you are experiencing blurred vision, dryness of eyes, eye fatigue, headache, or other symptoms of digital eye strain, it's time to step back and pay close attention to your eye health.

What does Blue light have to do with it?

Blue light (or High Energy Visible light) is the shortest wavelength in the visible electromagnetic spectrum, specifically 400-500nms ­– a wavelength very close to the wavelength of UV radiation that causes melanoma. It is very strong that it can penetrate the macula. 

Uncontrolled exposure to blue light caused by extended screen time may lead to Macular degeneration, Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), and other eye-related diseases. 

Is there a one size fits all solution?


There are ways to protect our eyes and minimise our exposure to Blue Light - the first step is to take regular breaks every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. You can also use blue light reducing glasses, and more importantly, choose a monitor with Eye-care technology and Low Blue light feature.

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Choosing the right one for you and your little one.

BenQ is a leading brand that pioneered eye-care technology in monitors and digital screens. We created the world's first Flicker-free technology and Low Blue Light Technology to give you the best viewing experience without compromising your eye health. 

Knowing that adults and children have different eye-care needs, we designed two types of Low Blue Light technology to cater to both. Low Blue Light Technology removes blue light (420~480nm) while Low Blue Light Plus Technology filters harmful radiation (420~455nm) to reduce damage while maintaining picture quality without compromising the colour quality.


For the best eye-care experience, we have created four different modes that can fit your viewing needs.

  • Multimedia 
  • Web Surfing
  • Office
  • Reading



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