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Hello Van Gogh Pattaya Extends a Warm Welcome to BenQ

  • BenQ
  • 2017-05-20

Hello Van Gogh Pattaya Extends a Warm Welcome to BenQ


Introducing Classic Art to a New Audience

The managers of Hello Van Gogh have lofty aspirations. “We want to help [the people of Thailand] understand and become closer to art,” said Kim Dong Ju, General Manager of Hello Van Gogh Pattaya. But attracting this new audience would take more than a run-of-the-mill art exhibit. “Hello Van Gogh is a convergent art exhibition that integrates digital multimedia and paintings from famous European artists,” said Ms. Amrica Chaiyasidhi, Manager of Hello Van Gogh Pattaya. “We took legendary works and imbued them with new life.” To host an exhibit that would capture Thailand’s attention, Hello Van Gogh needed cutting-edge technology to revitalize old works while preserving every detail.

Bringing Van Gogh’s Paintings to Life with BenQ Projectors

“BenQ projectors are our answer,” said Kim Dong Ju. “Their exceptional performance helps convey the feeling of each painting, the warmth or gentle chill. You can feel the art’s temperature.” After considering a number of options, the managers decided BenQ’s PU9530 and PU9730 projectors were ideal. “We chose BenQ projectors for their superior quality and clear colors,” Kim Dong Ju said. “They deliver pictures that are more beautiful than usual.” Both projectors offer flexible installation options, which made it easy to set them up at the perfect angle even in crowded quarters.

Visitors spent hours in the gallery. Some were even brought to tears by the powerful display. “Our visitors are enthralled by the exhibition,” explained Ms. Amrica Chaiyasidhi. “They tell me, ‘I’ve never seen anything like this before.’”

“We hadn’t used BenQ’s projectors before,” said Kim Dong Ju. “But after employing BenQ for this project, we’re very eager to work with them again in the future.”

Facts at a Glance

Year of Completion



Country & Location



BenQ Solution Used

  • PU9530 Large Venue Projector
  • PU9730 High Brightness Large Venue Projector






Using BenQ projection solutions to bring the magic of Impressionism to life and captivate viewers with interactive exhibits