What reason will cause lamp to breakdown?

If the projector is continuously used for a long period of time under poor ventilation/air flow to sufficently keep the projector cool, will effect the performance of the projectors screen brightness as well as lamp life.

Modèles applicables

DX819ST, GP10, GP20, JOYBEE GP2, LW61ST, LX60ST, MS504, MS521, MS616ST, MW767, MW820ST, MW821ST, MW851UST, MW870UST, MX805ST, MX819ST, MX822ST, MX850UST, SH940, SH960, SX914, W1500, W7000+, MW523, MW663, MW721, MW817ST, MX600, MX522, MX661, MX618ST, MX720, MX703, MX766, MX722, MX816ST, MX815ST, S30, SH910, SP840, SP920P, W1070, W1080ST, 3D GLASSES - DP2, 3D GLASSES - DC4, 3D GLASSES, 3D GLASSES - DP3, GP10 DVD PLAYER, CEILINGMOUNTCM00G2, MS502, MH680, MW519, MX503, MX505, MX518, MX520, MX522P, MX620ST, MX662, POINTDRAW 3, PW01, QPRESENTER-ANDROID, QPRESENTER-IPHONE, W750, W770ST, W1300, W1400, WDAM2120, WDRT8192, MS517, MS521P, MS619ST, 0.3 WALL MOUNT-WM03G2, 0.3 WALL MOUNT-WM03G3, 0.4 WALL MOUNT-WM04G2, 0.4 WALL MOUNT-WM04G3, 0.6 WALL MOUNT-WM06G2, 0.6 WALL MOUNT-WM06G3, GP3, MW621ST, W7500, SX912, SP870, CEILING MOUNT-CM00G1, EP5920, MP525P, MP575, MP615P, MP776, MP780 ST, MP780ST+, MS510, MS513, MS612ST, MS614, MW516, MW712, MW811ST, MW814ST, MW860USTI, MX501, MX511, MX514, MX613ST, MX615, MX660, MX660P, MX701, MX710, MX711, MX717, MX763, MX764, MX810ST, MX812ST, MX813ST, WIRELESS DONGLE, SP890, SP891, W1060, W1100, W1200, W6000, W7000, W710ST, MX716

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