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A Clear-Sounding Voice: The Key Factor in Language Learning

BenQ treVolo U desktop dialogue speaker provides voice clarity to help online language learning effective

As research continues to show that learning a second language has multiple benefits for people of all ages, those looking to reap such cognitive and professional rewards are increasingly looking for ways to optimize the learning experience. While many may attempt to learn their second language via language classes and/or home tutors, given the times, a lot of this type of learning has shifted online, where some of the benefits of a direct physical presence by the teacher might be lost. It’s with these types of situations where attention to the type of technology used becomes vital. Yet what commonly gets overlooked in online learning of this type, is that the audio portion of the equation is as equally important as the visual portion, because properly learning a language is very much dependent on the ability to hear the language clearly.

The Importance of Hearing Clearly

BenQ treVolo U dialogue speaker authentically reproduce the frequencies of both male and female voices

Hearing Something vs. Hearing Something Clearly

For students, hearing a human voice clearly is far more important than being able to hear something at a higher volume. By “clearly” the experts mainly refer to the authentic reproduction of the frequencies of both male and female voices, along with the ability to accurately render some of the aspects of speech that do not only involve the vocal chords, such as intonation, aspiration (the exhalation that accompanies some syllables), trill (rolled “r”s), or labiodental consonants (sounds using the lower lip and teeth).

BenQ treVolo U dialogue speaker helps learners to hear and absorb all the nuances related to speech which is important for imitation

Hearing the Nuances in Speech

In terms of language, one of the key pillars to learning is imitation, which experts have shown is one of the first tools used to understand language. Given how vital imitation is to learning, the ability to hear clearly in a learning environment is thus equally important, as it is the basis for imitation. Yet in order to imitate the teacher properly, the learner must be able to hear and absorb all the nuances related to speech. It is not enough for a person to just be able to hear what a teacher is saying, instead they must be able to hear clearly all the subtle elements that make up proper speech. Speech is not just limited to pronunciation from the vocal cords, a fluent and natural sentence in different languages may involve elements such as the above mentioned elements (intonations, aspirations, and so on). These are elements which may be difficult to catch if not heard clearly, but are still necessary in order to imitate and then proactively reproduce as one’s path to learning advances.

BenQ treVolo U dialogue speaker creates a sense of the teacher’s presence which helps to maintain learners' attentiveness

A Greater Sense of Presence Doubles the Lesson’s Effectiveness

Beyond the ideas discussed above, there is another aspect of sound that is an important part of the learning process: creating a sense of the teacher’s presence. When a learner feels, through sound, that the teacher is actually nearby, the responsiveness that this feeling engenders will help maintain their attentiveness, thereby boosting the overall effectiveness of the lesson. The question for those learning via online classes then becomes whether their speakers are doing enough to accurately and clearly replicate their teacher’s voice and give it the sense of presence that is needed.

What You Might Have Missed About Speakers

BenQ treVolo U dialogue speaker helps learners to hear and absorb all the nuances related to speech which is important for imitation

The Limits of Tablet and Laptop Speakers

Since a large chunk of online learners use their laptops or tablets to take their language classes, the effectiveness of laptop/tablet speakers in delivering the type of clear-sounding audio that is needed must come under scrutiny. What a detailed look into the matter shows is that laptops and tablets feature major deficiencies in terms of sound, as their embedded speakers are both compact to an extreme and usually placed at the rear of the device with the sound oriented away from the user. This type of audio output is sure to dampen the ability of the learner to hear clearly and, as a result, learn effectively.

BenQ treVolo U dialogue speaker helps learners to hear and absorb all the nuances related to speech which is important for imitation

How Portable Bluetooth Speakers Neglect High-Frequency Voices

Speakers designed for music tend to utilize a single full-range speaker unit to handle both high and low frequencies. With the same speaker unit handling both, any tweaks to enhance low-end sound, as is common with music speakers, will by default sacrifice the high-end sounds. This in turn will impair the speaker’s ability to faithfully reproduce all types of voices, as female voices tend to occupy the high frequency range, while male voices are usually in the low frequency range. These issues are even more pronounced with portable Bluetooth speakers where the underlying mechanics and the resulting performance are further limited due to their form factors and aesthetics. What this all means is that for those who are serious about ensuring the best possible conditions for online learning, as opposed to simple edutainment, the best bet is to consider purchasing a speaker specifically engineered for language education.

Finding a Speaker Designed for Language Learning

BenQ treVolo U dialogue speaker is a Bluetooth speaker geared towards providing true-to-life sound for young language learners

To try to ensure that all the needs discussed above are addressed, BenQ has designed the treVolo U, a Desktop Dialogue Bluetooth Speaker geared towards providing true-to-life sound for language learners. The features that make the treVolo U the ideal solution are detailed below.

BenQ treVolo U dialogue speaker helps learners to hear and absorb all the nuances related to speech which is important for imitation

Enhanced Human Sound with the treVolo Voice Engine

The treVolo Voice Engine utilized by the BenQ treVolo U Desktop Dialogue Speaker consists of an assortment of unique technologies that enhance the sound of vocals and preserve the minutiae of speech. With its Voice Engine there is no need to increase treVolo U’s volume just to hear the instructor clearly, you’ll be able to listen and communicate effectively with accurate audio that is both clear-sounding and smooth to the ear. Here are some of the points that make the treVolo Voice Engine so unique: • The treVolo Voice Engine automatically cancels low-end noise for frequencies under 100Hz to keep the vocals at their clearest and most authentic while minimizing sound interference during use. • The treVolo Voice Engine was developed using a huge databank of over 200 different vocal samples to create and compare its sound profile so that the frequencies of both male and female speech were taken into account in order to ensure that the full spectrum of human voices can be authentically depicted. • Through its acoustic technology the audio output by the treVolo Voice Engine is fine tuned to encompass hard-to-replicate sounds such as the previously mentioned intonations, aspirations, trills, and consonants so that all aspects of speech are captured. This then allows the learner to hear things clearly and catch all the details so that they won’t have any issues when attempting to imitate the words from their instructor.

BenQ treVolo U dialogue speaker helps learners to hear and absorb all the nuances related to speech which is important for imitation

Angled Design for a Person-to-Person Feel

By designing the speaker with a 12-degree angle of elevation, treVolo U Desktop Dialogue Speaker ensures that its audio is aimed directly at the listener from an orientation that will give the teacher’s voice much more of a person-to-person feel.

Dual-Driver Speaker Performance

treVolo U is powered by a two-way speaker with dual drivers that are able to accurately cover the full range of vocal frequencies from the high frequency range of female voices (typically about 165hz) to the lower range of male voices (typically around 85hz). Furthermore, the wide frequency range of its two-way speaker makes it so that all the sounds that natural speech encompasses can be clearly heard.

Click to Hear the Difference Now

These are actual anechoic chamber recordings. 

Laptop internal speakers

Tablet internal speakers

Entertainment bluetooth speaker

treVolo U Desktop Dialogue Speaker

Mic Speaker All Bluetooth Wireless Portable Desktop Dialogue Speaker Dialogue Bluetooth Portable

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