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How to set up 'InstaShow Button Microphone' in Teams or any other conference app?

Last updated Jun 2, 2023

When an InstaShow VS20 Button is plugged into a laptop, the operating system for the laptop (Windows for example) will automatically recognize it as a device in the Audio inputs and outputs list of its Device Manager menu, with a name InstaShow Button Microphone. This allows the Button to act as an omni-directional microphone that is able to pick up voices/sound within a 1.5-meter range in order to replace the typically weaker built-in microphone on the laptop itself.

To use the Button as a microphone for your hybrid meeting, follow these simple steps:


1.      Connect the Button to the appropriate port(s) on your laptop running the video conferencing application. 

2.  Open the microphone input source menu in the video conferencing application and select 'InstaShow Button Microphone'.

For detailed setup instructions, please refer to page 45 of the InstaShow VS20 User Manual.

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