Smart Boards Made Easy: Stress-Free Tips
  • BenQ
  • 2024-10-23

Switching to new classroom tech can feel overwhelming at first. But with the right approach, it doesn’t have to be. One of the most important things you can do is make sure whatever smart board you choose really aligns with your school’s vision and goals. It’s not just about having the latest gadget—it’s about choosing tools that help teachers and students thrive.


At West Ottawa Public Schools, they took their time. They didn’t just jump into a district-wide adoption of BenQ Boards. They followed a plan that ensured teachers felt confident and ready from day one. Here’s what they did—and a few tips you can use for your own smart board adoption journey.

Start Small: Create a Pilot Program

West Ottawa began by starting small. They launched a pilot program with a select group of teachers who tested the BenQ Boards in their classrooms. These teachers were given training and asked to provide feedback before and after they used the boards. This helped the district understand what worked, what didn’t, and how the boards fit with their educational goals.

Tip: Start with a small group of teachers who are excited about trying something new. This way, you can work out any kinks before rolling it out to the whole district. Plus, having early adopters on board will help create excitement among other teachers.

Build a Support Network with a Cohort

Once West Ottawa decided that BenQ Boards were the right choice, they expanded their pilot group to include more teachers and staff from across the district. This diverse cohort became go-to experts in their buildings, ready to offer guidance and support to their colleagues.

Tip: Think of it as creating a network of tech champions. These leaders can help answer questions and share tips, making the transition easier for everyone. It’s like having built-in support right down the hall.

Provide Flexible Training Options

Training isn’t a one-and-done deal. At West Ottawa, they offered multiple training sessions throughout the year, both in-person and online. Through BenQ Academy, teachers were able to access training that fit their schedules and comfort levels. The first course helped them get up and running quickly, while more advanced sessions allowed them to dive deeper into all the cool features BenQ Boards offer—like multitouch collaboration and screen-sharing.

Tip: Offer training at different levels and times. Let teachers start with the basics and then build on that foundation over time. This way, no one feels overwhelmed, and everyone can move at their own pace. Teachers should be able to teach their way.

Share Resources and Ideas

As teachers got more comfortable with the BenQ Boards, West Ottawa made sure they had access to all kinds of helpful resources. From visual guides to fresh ideas on how to use the boards creatively in class, teachers were always armed with what they needed to succeed.

Tip: Keep the resources coming! Whether it’s a quick reference guide or fun lesson plan ideas, the more support you provide, the more confident your teachers will feel.

Encourage Teachers to Share Success Stories

What is one of the best ways to get teachers excited about new tech? Let them share how they’re using it! At West Ottawa, teachers were encouraged to share their successes with their colleagues, sparking new ideas and keeping the excitement alive.

Tip: Create opportunities for teachers to show off how they’re using the smart boards. This can be as simple as a lunchtime chat or a more formal sharing session. When teachers see how their peers are benefiting, they’re more likely to dive in and try something new.

Stay Connected with BenQ

West Ottawa didn’t stop at rollout—they kept the conversation going with BenQ, sharing feedback and suggestions along the way. BenQ is all about listening to educators and continuously improving the boards based on real-world use.

Tip: Make sure you’re communicating with your tech provider. Let them know what’s working and what could be better. It helps ensure that the product continues to meet your needs as time goes on.


By following these practical steps, West Ottawa made their smart board adoption a success without the overwhelm. It’s all about starting strong, providing the right support, and keeping the conversation and improvements going.

Want to see how West Ottawa made it happen? Check out their journey with BenQ Boards!

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