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Ian Van Der Wolde

Photographer / Australia

  • Established his studio, Altered Images Photography in 1986 
  • Received the honor of FAIPP in 2018 for a high level of photography and service to the industry and community
  • Awarded the title "Honorary Fellow of the AIPP" in 2008 for his exceptional industry contributions

As a professional photographer BenQ AQCOLOR Monitors are as integral in my workflow as my cameras and lighting. I simply could not work without an accurate way of viewing and assessing my images.
AQCOLOR Monitors, Bang for Buck No.1 in accurate color

How has photography impacted your life? Any changes or inspirations?

Since first discovering photography in high school way back in 1979, it has become my life.

I literally live and breathe photography.

As with any vocation my journey has seen many deviations and ups and downs, however many years ago I discovered the work of renowned photographer Michael Kenna which had a profound impact on me and inspired my passion for extended exposure landscape and urban landscape photography.

Which piece of work do you believe best represents your photography style? 

As a commercial photographer my style is largely influenced by my clients requirements, however my personal work is where I can allow my own style to really come through.

My style is constantly evolving so I would really struggle to find a single image that “best” represents my style, but rather a body of work that exhibits subtle tonality, minimalist composition and that evokes an overall sense of calm and serenity.

How do you typically interact with your subjects on the shooting set?

When shooting a commercial assignment I generally tether my camera to a computer.

By doing this my clients see the images appear instantly and accurately on my big beautiful BenQ SW272U Monitor exactly how I intend them to be seen, with all the colour and tonality accurately displayed.

Working this way my clients are able to make real time assessments of the images and provide valuable feedback and input ensuring that they feel totally included in the creative process.

In your photography journey, what's the most memorable or surprising experience?

Photography is really a lifestyle more than a career and as such no two days are the same. My career in photography has provided countless memorable and surprising experiences from interstate and overseas travel to photographing famous people and gaining entry to area’s not normally accessible to the general public.

The most memorable moment however would have to be when I was honoured by the former Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) with a Fellowship, the highest honour that could be awarded by the institute. This recognition by my peers was humbling and truly memorable, even more so now in retrospect as the AIPP sadly ceased operation in 2021.

Do you have any advice for someone learning photography? What would you like to say to those aspiring to become photographers or video creators/designers?

Shoot, Shoot, Shoot !

Photography can’t be learned from a textbook alone, you must take photos as often as possible until the camera becomes an extension of yourself and taking pictures becomes a natural reaction.

Critique your photos and have others critique them for you to help learn and improve your craft.

Be a sponge and take in everything you can from those whose opinions you value and learn from them, but also learn to have your own opinion too, in order to develop and create your own unique style.

Starting out is not easy and not always financially viable, however if you persist with it, photography can be a fulfilling lifestyle and wonderful career.

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