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Glyn Dewis

Portrait Photographer / UK

  • Best-selling author of The Photoshop Workbook, Max Master, Photoshop World Dream Team Instructor, and 39-45 Portraits Project
  • Featured in The New York Times in 2013 for his photography technique, 'The Invisible Black Background

The AQCOLOR monitors provide exceptional colour accuracy and consistency ensuring that the colours I see during the retouching process match the final output, which is crucial for the work I do. The high resolution display and also being hardware calibrated enhances my workflow efficiency with the ability to store differing calibrations for differing use cases which I can switch between at the press of a button. The uniform brightness and anti reflective technology means I can work for extended periods and minimise eye strain. Above all else though, I have complete confidence and trust in that what I see is what I get!

During events, have there been responses or reactions from participants that left a lasting impression on you or were particularly interesting?

I remember once when I was presenting at an event in the Netherlands, I was talking about “The Power of Portrait Photography” and how sometimes we shouldn’t get so hung up about lighting, sharpness and composition or indeed what we’re using to take the photograph, but rather just take the photograph because moments can come and go so quickly. Also, when you have the opportunity to photograph a loved one, a friend, someone special in your life then you should seize it.

Well, at the end of the stager presentation a couple made their way over to me; a man and his wife but the man was crying. He explained that he had lost his father recently and was devastated that the last photograph he took of him ended up being blurred and out of focus.

I remember saying that as Photographers we always want our images to be the best they possibly can be be, but for him not to be disheartened. I asked what does he see when he looks at the blurred photograph; in his mind does he see his Father or does he see a blurred face? “I see my Dad” was his response. “Then that is all that is important. Photographs are there to remind us … and this is what you’re photograph is doing”

What is your favorite photography subject? Can you share a special piece of work?

My favourite subject to photograph is portraits; not of anyone in particular … I just love spending time with someone, getting to know them, enjoying each others company and then having the opportunity to capture the ‘person’ in a portrait.

What aspect of the 39-45 PORTRAITS PROJECT left the most profound impression on you?

To be honest, the whole project has left a profound impression on me. It is unquestionably the most rewarding and humbling thing I have ever done in my life. I made some incredible friends; friends that became more like family. I’ve shed more tears through losing those friends than I dare to admit but I wouldn’t have it any other way. For me the project felt like the reason I first picked up a camera, the reason I first started out as a Retoucher. It was like it was meant to be. Seeing Veterans from all over the country come together for the opening day of the Exhibition is something I’ll never forget. The project was a privilege to work on and I feel honoured to have done so, but losing so many friends on a regular basis started to become unbearable which is why now the project exists as it is.

For those planning to visit the city where you currently reside or were born, what landmarks or places do you recommend for photography?

Actually rather than tell you, I can show you because I recently created a short film about my ‘Home’ and why it’s so special to me. Here’s a link to the short film which is only just over 3 minutes long over on my website:

What does your typical day in photography look like? Do you have a regular workflow?

To be honest if I’m not out taking a portrait, out on the coast photographing a long exposure of the waves crashing in or out filming content, I’m planning to do exactly that.

Each day though has to start off with the gym. I’ve trained since I was 15 years old and have competed in Bodybuilding Competitions over the years, and although I no longer compete, I train and eat as though I was.

For me training is more than just about keeping in shape physically, it also keeps me in shape mentally. Without it I’m not “me” and this has a detrimental affect on my creativity.

Part of my personality is that I’m always planning and looking towards the next shoot, the next project. I love having something that I’m always working on. Actually on that subject, I’m just about to embark on a new project called “I am Lyme” which will see me photographing the People, the Produce and the Places of Lyme Regis with a view to holding an exhibition in 18 months time.

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