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How to access cloud storage files via Firefox


 Before performing the steps below, ensure that the display is connected to the internet.
 For details, see How to connect the display to the internet.

1. On the display home, tap .

    The Apps window appers.

2. Tap Firefox.

    Firefox opens.

3. Go to the cloud storage website and log in.

Applicable Models

RP6501K, RP7501K, RP8601K, RM5501K, RM6501K, RM7501K, RM8601K, RM5502K, RM6502K, RM7502K, RM8602K, CP8601K, CP6501K, RP6502, RP7502, RP8602, RM6503, RM7503, RM8603, RE6501, RE7501, RE9801, RM6503A, RM7503A, RM8603A, RM6504 , RM7504 , RM8604 , RE6503A, RE7503A, RE8603A, RP6504, RP7504, RP8604, RE6504 , BenQ Board Essential | RE7504 , RE8604

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