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Why Projector Offset Matters

What is projector offset – and why does it matter? Here’s what you need to know when trying to decide which projector will be the easiest to install for your golf simulator setup.

What Is Projector Offset?

Projector offset is how different models “bend” the image to enable the picture on the screen to be higher or lower on the screen without tilting the projector. For example, meeting room projectors often have a high degree of offset (measured as a percentage) to project a spreadsheet higher on the screen from a low placement on a conference room table.

For golf simulator setups using ceiling mounts, the projector is placed upside down and the offset helps the projected image to reach the floor and create a realistic experience and minimize tilting the projector and making the installation easier.

Figure 1- Here are the offsets of a typical classroom (50%), golf simulator (100%), and meeting room (125%) projector.  The right amount of offset minimizes the need to tilt the projector to properly fill your impact screen


What Is the Right Offset for Golf Simulators?

The offset for a golf simulation projector is different than other applications like classrooms and meeting rooms.  For a ceiling mounted projector, a small amount of offset enables you to mount the projector closer to the ceiling (and away from danger) and fill the impact screen to the floor.  This is typically between 100% and 110% depending on the throw ratio of the projector.


Can I have too much offset?

Yes. If you want to use a typical meeting room projector with a high offset (115% or higher) for golf simulation – the high offset may require you to have a taller ceiling to keep from having to tilt the projector up to keep the image shining on the floor below your impact screen.  

Figure 2- Too much projector offset will require you to either have a taller ceiling or tilt the projector up to fill the screen.


Why is tilting a projector bad?

Whenever you tilt a projector, it will change the shape of the original square or rectangular image into a trapezoid. Since this won’t align with the screen, it will need to be resolved by either adjusting the mount – or using digital tools such as vertical keystone.

Figure 3- Tilting the projector turns a square or rectangular image into a trapezoid that needs to be corrected.


You can use keystone correction to adjust the image to fit properly on your screen, but this causes some loss of brightness and resolution.  The reason for the issue is that to fit the trapezoidal image into a neat rectangle, the corrected side's pixels have to squeeze into a smaller image. That reduction can cause a dip in quality and brightness. So if you want to fill up your screen with a shrink image, you have to move back the projector. However, projector distance can influence the uniformity of brightness across the screen; the greater the throw distance, the less bright the image will be.


The easiest way to ensure you get the right projector

While offset is not often listed as a major spec or consideration, BenQ golf simulator projectors are unique with their offset, which are enough to help the image correctly reach the floor and minimize the need for tilting the projector while avoiding casting shadows.



Light Source



Light Source Life

20,000 hours

20,000 hours


3000 ANSI Lumens

3200 ANSI Lumens




Projection Offset



Throw Ratio



Golf Mode



Want to Talk to a Golf Simulator Projector Expert?

BenQ has trained staff to help you find the perfect golf simulator projector – within your room size and budget. To help you make the best decision, you can reach out to one of our experts to set up anything from a chat to a complete online demo, to help you find the right projector for your needs.