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Knowledge Center SupportThe iF Design Awards state their goal as that of strengthening public awareness of design. The juries, made up of highly respected designers and educators, insist on thoroughly inspecting every design award entrant. They look, touch, try, and pry into every object before giving out their verdict. They inspect all kinds of objects from apps like online music services to electronics like portable Bluetooth speakers for your home.
One example of a recognized product by the iF Design Award was an electrostatic speaker – treVolo by BenQ. While audiophiles and music industry experts have already recognized this particular speaker for producing awesome sound, the iF Design Awards jury looked at other aspects of this product. Namely, they asked, does this product make the world more beautiful? They wanted to know if adding this object into your home will make it into a conversation piece – in a positive way. Only after looking at the design from every angle, and trying out the unique unfolding wings of the electrostatic speakers, they concluded that this particular product was worthy of the 2015 iF Design Award.
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